stuck in a content creation rut? your 3-step process to finding flow

As a recovering perfectionist, planning is in my blood. And since I’ll be taking my new RV out full-time later this year, I need to be smarter about how much time it takes to create content.

I simply won’t have time to spend making sure my work is absolutely perfect before sending it off to my clients or my community... we'll be too busy driving, traveling, and living.

You're probably busy living your life too.

So, how do we get our content to flow? First things first... there’s no need to force anything. Why? Hustle culture is C-A-N-C-E-L-E-D in my lil corner of the Internet.

Just because you spent an entire day planning your content out for the month doesn’t mean you were productive. It’s time for you to work smarter, not harder. It's time to stop procrastinating and learn how to PROPERLY repurpose your content.

Let’s go through my content creation process so you can do it for yourself and have your ideas planned, prepped, and ready to post!

Step 1: Go over your analytics

I’m a sucker for data. It tells us so much! If you want to see what your community wants to see from YOU, go over your analytics.

Find the posts with the most comments, saves, shares, or website clicks. Not sure which metrics matter most? It depends on your GOALS and your COMMUNITY.

If your goal is to sign more clients, comments aren't going to help you. If your goal is to grow your community ahead of a launch you have planned, shares are going to matter most. Always be thinking about your goal.

What posts did well will vary for everyone, so be sure you’re looking at what YOUR community wants from YOU.

Step 2: Repurpose top-performing content

Once you find the content your community enjoyed from you, create more content like that.

This is the "work smarter, not harder" part of this blog.

If it’s an educational post, share the tips on your blog! If it’s about your process as a copywriter, graphic designer, etc., create a fun reel laying it out step-by-step.

While repurposing the content you already created will be quicker, you can also try taking one specific tip (out of the 3 or whatever you shared) and expanding on that in a blog or newsletter.

This is not about copying and pasting. For instance, if you write an Instagram post and want to repurpose it, add more context or additional tips when you flesh it out in your next blog. Why? You may have people that follow you on Instagram AND read your blogs. They don't want to read the same piece of content twice.

Make it worthwhile for them to follow you everywhere -- they'll stop if they see you just reposting the same content everywhere.

The key here? Get creative! As you experiment, your community will make it clear what they prefer. Do your best to vary fun or personal content that allows your audience to get to know you with business or promotional content that sells your offerings.

Step 3: Feel the flow

A huge part of creating is CELEBRATING! After you’ve repurposed your content from last year so you have content for the rest of 2021, it’s time to relax.

There’s no point in creating all this content just to add more work to your to-do list. Rest IS a part of business. Arguably, a very important part. This is your reminder to celebrate what you accomplished and make way for new ideas to come through in 2021! We want the content creation process to flow, not feel forced.

Don't want to worry about creating or repurposing your own content for your blog or newsletter? I can help.


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