can you make money doing what you love?

Can you make money living life to the fullest? Can you make money creating a reality beyond your wildest imagination? Can you make money doing what you love?

“That’s so cliché, Erin...”

But is it?

Seriously. When did it become cliché to do what you love? When was the first time someone told you you couldn’t make money doing the thing you love?

My friend Taylor once told me “The best things in life are clichés.” Back when I didn't know you can make money doing what you love to do, I wasn't so sure. Now?

Many of us don't live our lives according to clichés because, well, that's so cliché! But my Q to you is... Why?

Is it because we think they're "too good to be true?"
Is it because we think they're "not realistic?"
Is it because other people have said "that's not possible?"
Is it D, all of the above?

I have an inkling...

I think it's because society has, for so long, encouraged only the norm. The logical way. The path nearly everyone else has taken.

Why? Because it's safe, predictable.


When did safety and knowing the outcome becomes more important than new experiences and living life (which requires mistakes, missteps, failures, and digging deep into our fears and desires)?

IDK but I knew when I was 24 years old that I wanted off THAT ride.

Chasing your dreams

Since 2018 I have been chasing my dreams.

When I first tell people I'm doing that, I get looks of "Oh sweetie..." Like I just haven't entered the real world yet. Like they're waiting for me to come to the realization that chasing your dreams and doing things differently isn't possible.

I've come to the conclusion that this happens because if those same people who didn't believe in me actually believed in themselves... they'd be doing what they loved.

But they aren't. Because they've made a choice to follow the path of sameness.

Their lives have been lived before.

I want to create a DIFFERENT life. A life of freedom.

Creating a life of freedom

One of my brand values (AKA just one of my values in general because I AM my brand), is creating freedom. The part so many focus on is FREEDOM. I want to focus on CREATING.

It’s tough to create art or write beautiful words when you feel judged, pressured, or stifled. Right?

So how do we expect anyone to CREATE a LIFE OF FREEDOM when society as a whole is against it?

No one told me there was another option. I don’t blame anyone for that. I just realize that if no one told me, I want to be the person to tell you.

Freedom is something you CREATE... you don’t BECOME free.

To me, freedom doesn't necessarily mean free from attachment. It just means free to be myself, which means changing my mind, diving headfirst into multiple projects at once then getting bored and moving onto something else, doing what I love (writing) and getting paid for it, deciding when to work and when to play, and SO MUCH MORE.

I say this because everyone's definition of freedom is different.

Yours may be travel.
Others may be to not have a boss.
Someone might be to be able to get paid doing what they love.

There's no *wrong* answer here. Just your truth, your version of freedom.

And I implore you to explore this more. What does freedom mean to you? And how can you consciously create it for yourself?

Because freedom is created. It doesn't just fall into your lap. If it were that simple, don't you think everyone would be doing it?

What choices are you making?

How are you creating freedom in your life today? This week? This year?

I’m giving myself more time. More time to process my emotions. More time before responding back to emails. More time to myself and in nature.

As a result of this, I have created freedom for myself. Because freedom to me means time free from pressure and judgment.

What does freedom mean to you?

If freedom means being able to freelance and work your own hours but you feel overwhelmed with where to even start... I have the perfect resources for you to check out.

Happy freelancing, friend!


the ARROW copywriting process


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