I bought my dream RV: how to set massive goals and achieve them
You can probably guess what I'm about to say from the subject line but it needs to be said again…
Let me set the stage for you.
It was September 18, 2020. I felt frustrated because Nick and I (if you're new around here, Nick's my fiance) had been scouring RVTrader, Facebook Marketplace, and Craigslist since the beginning of August when we found out we didn't qualify for a house.
I joined a Facebook Group (y'all know my love for them) for FT RVers and decided to stop waiting for one to come to me. I set an intention to get clear on what I wanted and VOICE MY DESIRES, no matter how insane they seemed to others.
Here's what that looked like:
A facebook group post with RV specs
My post in an RV Facebook Group asking if anyone could help us find an RV with the specs listed.
I was met with mixed responses. Most people were super excited to follow along on our journey, many people offered tips and links to low-budget, but there were a few that had to bring me back down to Earth.
Well, they THOUGHT it was their job to.
"You'll need a budget 2x that!"
"It took YEARS for me to find mine, you need to be patient."
I really let what they said get to me. For a few days, I wasn't so sure all my big RV plans would become my reality.
Maybe I WAS dreaming too big.
Maybe I SHOULDN'T expect to get everything I want for so little.
Maybe I AM expecting too much, too quickly.
But, you already know how this story ends…
The Facebook post I made when I announced to friends and family that we found the RV we were looking for!
September 26, 2020.
We bought our dream RV.
Want to hear the specs?
Class C
Under 30 feet (26 feet to be exact)
Under 100K miles (66K bay-be)
No back room with a bed… but it has a slide-out (the extra room I was hoping for!!)
No water damage (in fact, the last owner paid $5K to get a new fiberglass thing put above the cab so we won't ever have to worry about this)
Under $10K (we took out a few thousand less in cash to have on hand and… I walked away with my RV and $100 leftover from the cash we took out)
When I brought up to my life coach that I feel like I don't set goals for myself -- or when I do, I never seem to achieve them -- she was quick to point out how untrue that was.
"You set big, scary, Earth-shattering goals, Erin. Just because you don't set menial monthly goals doesn't mean you don't set them," she told me.
She's right.
Want to know my goals?
Make money simply by expressing myself through writing and sharing my knowledge and insights
Work like 2 hours a day
Show people that the 9-5 isn't the only way to live
Travel the world with my love
Build a homestead in the woods with a tiny house, a garden, a half-pipe, and my best friend nearby
Be able to support my family with my income alone
Own horses one day
These are massive goals. And every day, the actions I take get me closer to them. Like buying the RV… I just got myself one step closer to traveling the world with my love.
Where do we go from here? Well, from now on, I'm releasing what no longer serves me. That includes those minuscule goals that I set for my business because someone on Instagram told me I had to set them.
Because it's not about selling 5 First-Time Freelancer Bundles (a real goal I had back in May). It's about making a decision and going after what you want… what you TRULY want.